Returns & Refund Information
If you decide that the product you purchased from us is not exactly what you were looking for, or is the wrong size, there is no problem returning it to us. We will accept products back for a full refund as long as it is with its original packaging, receipt and the product itself unused or unworn. Please return unwanted goods within 28 days of receipt.
PLEASE NOTE it can take up to 14 days from your returning the item(s) to receiving your refund. You will receive a confirmation email when your refund is processed.
* We Recommend that you obtain proof of postage and retain this until your refund has been processed. *
Return Via Post
- For Free UK Returns you can use the Pre Paid return label included in your parcel.
- Take to your local Post Office and obtain a receipt for tracking purposes.
- Your refund will be processed within 7 days of arriving with us.
- Please note you will receive a refund confirmation when the refund has been processed. It can take 3-5 working days for you bank to be credited.
Return Instore
(Northern Ireland)
- You can drop your parcel into the store; your return will be sent to the warehouse to be processed.
- Please note refunds or exchanges cannot be actioned at the till.
- Your refund will be processed within 7 days of receipt. You will receive a refund confirmation when the refund has been processed. It can take 3-5 working days for you bank to be credited.
- Jonzara unfortunately do not offer exchanges.
- If you require a different size, we recommend placing a new order for the desired item. Then once we receive your return it will be credited to your account.